Friday, April 3, 2009

Only 3 activities left

Okay, guys. Because it is getting near the end of the year and everyone is getting burned out on school, I have decided that the ASL Club will only be having three more activities. The officers met today and we planned some fun stuff.

  • Friday, April 17th we will be having a scavenger hunt.
  • Friday, May 15th, thanks to your awesome fund-raising abilities during February, the ASL Club will be heading to the Lagoon for the day. Sorry, it is a B day and we're going to miss all of it. Permission forms will be handed out on Monday, May 4th. Parent and teacher forms will need to be signed in order for you to come.
  • And finally, Friday, May 29th will be our last activity before school is out for the summer. We will be planting flowers outside the building, watching a slide show of all the activities we've had, and eating junk food.
I have had a lot of fun this year and I'm looking forward to doing it all again next year. For those of you who are graduating... congratulations on making it through high school, and... I will miss you. Good luck with your futures.

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